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August 01, 2022

7 Common Mistakes People Make When They Go Through Divorce

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No one ever expects to go through a divorce in their lifetime. People often don’t know how to react and make mistakes that they regret later. Although divorces are emotionally painful, stressful, and draining, with the proper preparations, you can move on to the next chapter of your life with a clean slate.

Before searching for a “divorce attorney near me” online, consider what you’ll need during your divorce process from a knowledgeable lawyer. Our experienced divorce attorney team at Fait & DiLima, LLP, wants to help you avoid some common divorce mistakes we often see. We know your rights and what to expect with divorce cases around Frederick and Montgomery Counties and throughout Maryland. Let our experience be your guide.

Mistake Number 1: Involving Children

Your children are your closest loved ones, but that doesn’t mean they should know all of their parent’s relationship details. Many people want to confide in their children for support during a divorce, which is fine when done positively. You should avoid speaking negatively about your spouse to your children to shield their emotions and protect your potential child custody case.

Mistake Number 2: Seeking Revenge

Divorces often leave spouses angry, upset and hurt. In a high-conflict divorce, you may want to lash out and seek revenge over your spouse through different court actions, though this might only harm you. Fighting for additional assets and prolonging the case might feel like justice at the time, but in reality:

  • It creates unnecessary legal expenses.
  • Your children must deal with the situation for longer than necessary.
  • It leaves you just as unsatisfied since no legal actions can reverse the divorce outcome.

Mistake Number 3: Lying or Hiding Information

Lying in court is illegal under all circumstances, including divorce. You must avoid everything from small fibs to major lies to protect your legal standing.

Failing to disclose all your marital wealth, assets, and details might interfere with even the best divorce case argument, causing you to lose any current settlements or high grounds you have in the case. Lying in court can also lead to criminal fraud charges.

Mistake Number 4: Creating Unrealistic Financial Expectations

Shifting from a dual-income household to a one-income home is challenging, especially when you have young children, debt, and other financial stresses. Many people focus so much on the emotional aspects of divorce that they forget the necessary financial details they should consider to prevent future complications. You should think about:

  • Requesting support payments
  • Budgeting for any marital debts you owe
  • Creating plans for your future expenses

Mistake Number 5: Allowing Emotions to Take Over

During the divorce process, you must juggle intense emotions and complex conflicts while splitting up shared assets, valuable items, child care responsibilities, and other critical parental duties. If you allow your emotions to take over and control your decision-making, you might take legal actions that do not reflect your best interest.

For example, feelings of anger might convince you to fight for different possessions that you don’t want or need, costing you more money in the long run for the excessive legal fees. We recommend stepping back and considering the scenario as an unbiased third party would when making any decisions. Consider jotting down pros and cons before choosing to take any actions.

Mistake Number 6: Disobeying Court Mandates

During the divorce proceedings, the court might rule against your preferences. For example, some spouses might lose child custody or have alimony payments. You must strictly adhere to all these mandates to maintain your ground in the case and reduce unnecessary complications, even in the case of an uncontested divorce.

Mistake Number 7: Attempting the Process Without a Divorce Lawyer

Many people enter the divorce process assuming their scenario is simple and won’t require legal help. Attempting a divorce without a divorce attorney is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Divorces can go south quickly, especially when one party feels entitled to certain assets or rights. It frequently happens, especially when the parties involved do not understand marital property distribution in Maryland. The knowledgeable family law attorneys at Fait & DiLima, LLP, can help you protect your rights to child custody, your home, and certain assets.

When Should I Find a Divorce Attorney Near Me?

You should find an experienced divorce attorney when you begin considering a divorce or when your spouse informs you that they wish to file for one. The sooner our legal support team at Fait & DiLima, LLP learns about your case, the sooner you can move on.

How Can I Find Experienced Divorce Lawyers Near Me? Call Fait & DiLima, LLP

If you need a divorce attorney with extensive knowledge of Maryland family law, contact our Fait & DiLima, LLP team to learn more. We’re a Maryland-only firm with ample experience supporting clients around Rockville, Frederick, and the surrounding areas. Call our divorce lawyers at Fait & DiLima, LLP at (301) 251-0100 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

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Fait & DiLima, LLP
One Church St., Suite 800
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 251-0100

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