Divorce Mediation Lawyers in Rockville, MD

Fait & DiLima, LLP can provide unbiased conciliation in divorce mediation.

Divorce Mediation Lawyers in Rockville, MD

Divorce can be complicated. It is not just about separating from your spouse. It also includes deciding on different elements, like your assets, properties, financial obligations, and children. We understand that this is an emotional and trying time for you. That is why we have experienced and compassionate Rockville divorce mediation lawyers to help you get through this.

While mediation is voluntary, Maryland family courts encourage couples going through divorce to try this first.

Advantages of Divorce Mediation

Going through a divorce is hard enough as it is. Do you really want to go through a lengthy and stressful court proceeding to go along with it?

The purpose of divorce mediation is to find agreements instead of allowing the court to make a decision. That gives you several benefits:

  1. It saves you time and money. Going to court is much more expensive and will demand more of your time.
  2. The details of your divorce become public record with a court hearing.
  3. There is less stress and resentment between couples who go through mediation as compared to going to court.

If you need a reliable Rockville divorce mediation lawyer, contact the team at Fait & DiLima, LLP.

What Is The Role Of A Divorce Mediator?

When you come into a room with your lawyer to talk to your spouse about the divorce, you will most likely have opposing views. Both you and your lawyer want to get the most out of the meeting. The same can be said with your spouse. That is a natural situation to be in for divorce.

The role of a divorce mediator is to sit in the middle of the two sides to proceed over the discussion. The mediator is a neutral and unbiased party who is there to guide all parties toward fair and amicable decisions over the different topics they have to discuss.

While mediators are there to guide the discussion, they cannot make decisions for the parties involved. For example, if there is an argument about a piece of property, the mediator cannot dictate who will get what. The mediator’s role is limited to guidance.

After the mediation process, the information discussed is kept confidential. The mediator cannot be called to bear witness in judicial proceedings regarding the information provided during the mediation.

What Topics Can Be Resolved During A Divorce Mediation?

Divorce proceedings include several aspects, including property valuation, division, child custody, and financial support. Any and all of these topics can be discussed and resolved during the mediation process.

Going to mediation is best for situations where:

  • You are most concerned with the well-being of the children involved. Court proceedings can be tough for the children.
  • You consider joint custody for the children.
  • You do not want to spend a lot of money going through divorce litigation.
  • You want to remain civil and peaceful and maintain a certain level of control over the situation.. 

You do not have to push yourself into a compromise. The mediator is there to point out facts that could have been overlooked. The goal is for a win-win situation, rather than one side winning over the other.

How Does Mediation Work In Maryland?

Mediation is a valuable alternative dispute resolution process available to divorcing couples in Maryland. It offers a cooperative approach to resolving conflicts and reaching agreements outside of court, facilitated by a neutral third-party mediator. A judge may order you and your spouse to mediation before setting a trial date, or your own Rockville, MD, mediation lawyer may recommend it, to help you gain more control over the outcome of the divorce and your future.

When you work with Fait & DiLima, LLP, we prepare you for mediation and walk through possible scenarios. Here’s how mediation works in Maryland and why it may be beneficial for your divorce:

Process Of Mediation In Maryland

The process starts with selecting a mediator. In Maryland, mediators are typically trained professionals with expertise in family law and conflict resolution. Both parties, along with their respective attorneys if desired, select a mutually agreeable mediator or may be assigned one by the court.

In the initial meeting, the mediator explains their role and the mediation process. They ensure both parties understand that the goal is to work collaboratively to find mutually acceptable solutions to divorce-related issues. They can help identify and prioritize the issues that need resolution, such as child custody and visitation, division of property and assets, spousal support, and any other relevant matters.

Throughout the mediation sessions, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties. They encourage open communication, clarify misunderstandings, and guide negotiations to help parties explore options and find compromises.

Once agreements are reached on all or some of the issues, the mediator drafts a written agreement detailing the terms. This document is not legally binding until it is reviewed and approved by each party’s attorney, signed by both parties, and approved by the court. In Maryland, mediated agreements must be reviewed and approved by a judge to ensure they meet legal standards and are in the best interests of any children involved. Once approved, the mediated agreement becomes a binding court order.

Benefits Of Mediation

Your Rockville mediation lawyer may point out some of these benefits of mediation:

  • Mediation allows parties to maintain control over the outcome of their divorce rather than leaving decisions solely in the hands of a judge.

  • It is often more cost-effective than litigation, as it typically requires fewer court appearances and legal proceedings.

  • Mediation sessions are confidential, fostering a safe environment for open dialogue and negotiation.

  • For couples with children or ongoing co-parenting responsibilities, mediation can help preserve a more amicable relationship, which is beneficial for future interactions.

Legal Assistance In Mediation

While mediation is a voluntary process and parties can participate without attorneys, having legal representation can provide invaluable support. An experienced divorce attorney can:

  • Offer advice on legal rights and obligations, ensuring informed decision-making during negotiations.

  • Carefully review mediated agreements to ensure they are fair, comprehensive, and legally sound before they are finalized.

  • Represent clients in court to seek approval of mediated agreements and handle any legal complexities that may arise.

If you are considering mediation for your divorce in Maryland, Fait & DiLima, LLP, is here to help. Our skilled Rockville mediation lawyers are experienced in mediation and can guide you through the process to achieve a fair and mutually beneficial resolution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you in navigating your divorce through mediation.

Divorce and Family Lawyers in Maryland | Fait & DiLima, LLP

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Why Choose Fait & Dilima, LLp?

  • Decades of Experience – Established in 1979, the firm has over 30 years of experience helping the people of Maryland with family law issues.
  • Dedicated Team – Our team focuses on your best interest by giving a personalized approach to your situation. Together, we will work towards your goal.
  • Understanding and Empathic – Having handled many family law and divorce cases, our lawyers are empathic and understand your situation well. We know what you are going through and will guide you through the legal process.

How Long Is Divorce Mediation?

The length of the mediation process depends on several factors. These include:

  1. How you are able to communicate and listen to the other people in the room.
  2. How you and the other party follow the directions of the mediator.
  3. Your willingness to reach a fair compromise.

A normal mediation session would take two hours. The number of sessions required would depend on the factors above and the family matters to settle.

Why Get A Mediation Lawyer?

Fait & DiLima, LLP’s divorce mediation lawyers are experienced in providing unbiased and neutral proceedings.

If you do not want to waste money and remain civil during the divorce proceedings, it is best to go through mediation. Contact us today to book a consultation with a reliable Rockville divorce mediation lawyer.

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Fait & DiLima, LLP | Rockville, MD 20850 | Divorce and Family Lawyers in Maryland

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When divorce and other family law issues must be resolved, there are no substitutes for an attorney’s experience and dedication to client satisfaction. The Frederick and Rockville divorce lawyers of Fait & DiLima, LLP have more than 100 years of combined experience and an unmatched commitment to help individuals and families navigate challenging times.

Contact the Rockville and Frederick family law attorneys of Fait & DiLima, LLP today to schedule a consultation and discuss your legal needs. Fill out the contact form or give us a call. We have offices in Rockville and Frederick; both are conveniently located near the courthouses.

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Why Choose Fait & Dilima, LLp?

  • Decades of Experience – Established in 1979, the firm has over 30 years of experience helping the people of Maryland with family law issues.
  • Dedicated Team – Our team focuses on your best interest by giving a personalized approach to your situation. Together, we will work towards your goal.
  • Understanding and Empathic – Having handled many family law and divorce cases, our lawyers are empathic and understand your situation well. We know what you are going through and will guide you through the legal process.

Effect Of Marital Fault

Marital fault is a ground for divorce in Maryland that states one side did something wrong during the marriage, which merits the separation. That can have a significant effect on the distribution of properties.

Citing cheating as a marital fault will not have much impact. However, economic fault will. If you can prove your spouse has hidden assets or was purposely wasteful, the court can award in your favor.

The critical factor here is being able to demonstrate the fault.

Hiring A Property Distribution Attorney

The property distribution part of any divorce is complicated. Several moving parts must be pinned down to determine the proper division. Intending to be equitable, you need to prove what worth you deserve to receive from the marital properties.

That is the primary value of a property division attorney. You get guidance on crafting and executing a sound strategy with a reliable lawyer on your side.

Book a consultation with our property division attorneys at Fait & DiLima, LLP today.