Divorce Coaching Frederick, MD
Focus On Your Future With Professional Frederick, MD Divorce Coaching
Have you been served with divorce papers? Perhaps you’re thinking about a divorce but unsure if you’re ready to initiate legal action. Or, maybe you’re already in the middle of a contentious split with your soon-to-be-ex and don’t have a lot of support. A divorce attorney can help you learn about your legal rights and file and respond to legal motions, but they often don’t have the availability or capacity to be your shoulder to cry on or participate in a vent session. Our Frederick, MD divorce coaching helps you with the non-legal aspects of divorce and eases you through the transition.
What can a divorce coach do for you? If you are overwhelmed, exhausted, and don’t have a lot of family or friends to support you, you need someone in your corner. Divorce is one of the most stressful times that anyone can go through. Your friends may be exhausted hearing about how awful your ex is, or you may need help figuring out how to be a single parent or how to budget now that there is only one income. At Fait & DiLima, LLP, our divorce coaches help you with all this and more. We personalize the experience for you. Please contact us today to learn more.
Protecting And Nurturing You Through Your Divorce
As your divorce coach, we help you stay calm and focused, even when things seem to be spinning out of control. We offer financial advice, including securing your own living space and helping you develop new routines and traditions as a single parent. We’re also here to listen when you’re nervous, angry, or sad. Coaches encourage you and help you find more inside yourself than you realize, and this approach may help save your sanity and help you find meaning and purpose, even during an ugly split.
As your divorce proceeds, you’ll make important decisions that impact the rest of your life. We help you realistically assess your situation from a neutral perspective. While our advice cannot replace the legal advice from your divorce attorney, it can help you with the non-legal aspects of being single again.
Protecting Your Mental Health And Sanity With A Divorce Coach
You may have noticed that your friends seem tired of always hearing about your divorce or how your ex has wronged you yet again. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone in your corner who is always there to listen and sympathize? That’s just one of the benefits of having a divorce coach. We listen while you get things off your chest so you can be focused and calm when the gritty parts of divorce come up, like mediation or court appearances. In fact, we can even accompany you to court as moral support.
- Some of the services we offer include:
- Help adjusting to single parenthood, including establishing new routines with your children
- Suggestions to help you budget so you can live within your current means
- Posing questions to ask your lawyer that you may not have considered
- Review emails, texts, or social media posts before you hit send
- Get and stay organized, including finances, paperwork, and finding the documents you need for court
You deserve a bright future after a divorce, and at Fait & DiLima, LLP, we’re here to help make that happen. Our Frederick divorce coaching services help you stay sane and centered, even through the toughest days. Call us today to learn more.
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