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Child Support Attorneys in Rockville, MD

Fait & DiLima, LLP has a team of experienced child support attorneys who can help you understand how child support works and your legal options.

The most significant impact of divorce is not on the couple separating but on the children. Divorce represents a quantum shift in family dynamics that can have a huge emotional effect. In addition, children need to receive proper financial support to provide for their future food, shelter and education. Both parties have their own idea of what is fair, and child support discussions can get very emotional. Having a skilled and compassionate attorney on your side will make a very significant difference.

What Is Child Support?

Child support is a mandatory periodic payment made by one parent to financially benefit the child after separation. Usually, but not always, the other parent is contributing as well. The idea is to see that the child has the best chance of attaining proper education and receiving basic necessities.

How Child Support Is Calculated?

On July 1, 2022, Maryland updated its Child Support Guidelines, which the Courts use to determine child support obligations. Maryland guidelines are used for couples with adjusted incomes of less than $30,000 per month, using each parent’s “actual income,” adjusted for:

  • Preexisting child support actually paid
  • Alimony (deducted from payor and added to payee)

The outcome is affected by certain expenses, which are divided proportionally based on the parties’ incomes:

  • Work related childcare
  • Health insurance premiums (if child is included)
  • Extraordinary medical expenses
  • Additional expenses (including special or private school and transportation between parents’ homes)

If a couple’s adjusted income exceeds $30,000 per month, a judge will award child support at his/her discretion rather than using the calculator formula, considering the parties’ financial circumstances, their stations in life, their ages and physical condition, and the total expenses of the children.

The Payment Schedule

The monthly obligation lasts until the child reaches 18 or graduates from high school, whichever is later.

If you need help understanding how much your child support payment should be, contact our Rockville child support attorney for a consultation.

Common Questions About Child Support

One of the most common questions about child support is the payment schedule. That is dependent on the court and judge. Payment can be ordered monthly or on another schedule that benefits the child and is fair to all parties.

Maryland laws state that child support payments should be made until the child reaches 18. It also ends if the child passes. If you have any other questions, call the Fait & DiLima, LLP, team and we will be happy to help.

Avoiding Child Support Litigation

Disputes can be financially destructive in the long run. You must go to court and undergo the litigation process for a judge to settle the issues you are having with your previous spouse.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to litigation. Maryland laws allow you to do voluntary mediation about child support so you can reach an agreement without facing a judge.

Ideally, you get to hash out the details of child support here rather than going to court.

How A Child Support Attorney Can Help

Child support discussions can get very emotional. Both parties would most likely have their own idea of what is fair and what their role should be in the life of their children after a divorce or separation. That is understandable.

What we offer at Fait & DiLima, LLP is our experience dealing with such situations. We empathize with what you are going through and are here to ensure the proceedings go properly.

Contact us today if you want to book a consultation with an experienced Rockville child support attorney.


Common Child Support Questions Answered

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