Alimony Lawyer Rockville, MD

Fait & DiLima, LLP helps clients place protective orders to prevent domestic violence and abuse.

Alimony, or spousal support, is often a hot button in divorce cases. Unless you have a prenuptial agreement that stipulates whether alimony will be paid and under what conditions, determining whether one spouse should receive alimony and for how long can drag out the process even longer.

If there’s a significant income gap between the divorcing spouses, or if one of them didn’t work during the marriage, staying home to manage the household and raise children, then Maryland courts may determine that the higher-earning spouse pay alimony, either durational, such as giving them a chance to finish a degree to vocational training, or longer, if the marriage was longer. These issues can quickly get heated and complex. An experienced Rockville, MD, alimony lawyer can help you, whether you’re the paying spouse or the recipient. Contact Fait & DiLima, LLP for help fighting for your interests so you can face the future, post-divorce, with confidence and the means to make a better life.

Why Do I Need A Rockville Alimony Lawyer?

Achieving a divorce settlement outside of court usually means compromise and negotiation between the two parties. An experienced divorce attorney can often negotiate a better settlement than you could on your own. If you cannot come to an agreement outside of court, then your divorce moves to trial in a Maryland family law court. Your lawyer represents you in court and presents a strong case justifying your position for alimony.

We carefully review your marital finances and determine the value of your contributions to the household. If you’re the spouse requesting alimony, we fight to ensure that you receive the highest amount possible for the longest period of time. If you’re the paying spouse, we can work to mitigate the effect of paying alimony on your finances, helping you protect everything you’ve worked so hard for.

Determining Alimony In Maryland

Maryland family law judges have several options for assigning alimony, including temporary, enough to get the recipient on their feet; pendente, which supports the recipient during the divorce process; and indefinite, which can support the recipient in cases of old age, disability, or infirmity.

However, laws can change. We keep abreast of changes to Maryland divorce laws so we can better manage their impact on your position.

Family law judges strive for justice and equity when determining the amount and length of spousal support, but the conditions for awarding alimony aren’t always black-and-white. A skilled Rockville alimony lawyer can build a strong case on your behalf, listing contributions beyond income that you made to the marriage and family and presenting it to the judge.

We also have resources you may not have, such as a forensic accountant who may help us get a more accurate picture of your spouse’s financial situation. We rely on hard evidence and the rule of law to help ensure that you’re fairly treated during and after the divorce process.

Legal Advice For Questions Of Maryland Alimony

You don’t have to go through a divorce alone. A strong Rockville alimony lawyer can help you secure a fair outcome for spousal support, giving you the means to move forward with your life and maintain a standard of living similar to that which you enjoyed during the marriage. If you’re being asked to pay alimony, we can help preserve as much of your income as possible for as short of a time period as possible. The Fait & DiLima, LLP legal team is on your side – call us today.

Key Factors That Influence Alimony Awards

When it comes to divorce, alimony decisions are among the most important financial matters that the court handles. In Maryland, several factors are considered to determine whether alimony is appropriate, how much will be awarded, and for what duration. These factors help ensure that the final alimony arrangement reflects the unique circumstances of each case. At Fait & DiLima, LLP, we work closely with our clients in Rockville to navigate the alimony process and secure a fair outcome. A Rockville alimony lawyer from our firm is available to assist you.

Length Of The Marriage

One of the most significant factors influencing an alimony award is the length of the marriage. Longer marriages are more likely to result in higher or longer-term alimony awards, as the financial dependence of one spouse on the other may be more entrenched. For example, in marriages lasting 20 or more years, the court may find that one spouse has become so accustomed to a particular standard of living that a short-term alimony arrangement would be insufficient to maintain that standard. A Rockville alimony lawyer will offer their guidance with this alimony decision.

Financial Needs And Resources

The court evaluates the financial needs of the spouse seeking alimony as well as the financial resources of the other spouse. This analysis includes reviewing both parties’ income, expenses, and any financial obligations they may have. If the spouse requesting alimony demonstrates that they are unable to meet their financial needs post-divorce, the court is more likely to grant alimony. On the other hand, the paying spouse’s ability to afford the payments is equally important. Courts strive to balance both parties’ financial situations while avoiding creating undue hardship for either party.

Standard Of Living During The Marriage

Another key consideration in alimony decisions is the standard of living established during the marriage. Courts generally aim to maintain a similar standard for both parties after divorce, especially in cases where one spouse was the primary earner. Alimony is often designed to prevent one spouse from facing a sharp decline in their quality of life while the other maintains a significantly higher standard. For example, if one spouse provided financially for the family while the other managed the household, the court may award alimony to bridge the gap and ensure that both parties experience a comparable lifestyle after the divorce.

Earning Capacity Of Both Parties

The court will also consider the earning capacity of both spouses when deciding on alimony. If the spouse seeking alimony is capable of becoming self-sufficient through employment, the court may award rehabilitative alimony to provide support while they gain the skills or education needed to increase their earning potential. However, if one spouse has limited career prospects due to age, health, or having left the workforce for an extended period, the court may order long-term or even indefinite alimony to compensate for this disparity.

Contributions To The Marriage

Both monetary and non-monetary contributions to the marriage are taken into account. Courts recognize that managing the home and caring for children are significant contributions, even if they do not directly result in income. If one spouse supported the other’s career by managing the household or making sacrifices in their own career, the court may factor this into the alimony decision. These non-financial contributions can be especially important in cases where one spouse’s earning capacity was affected by their commitment to the family. Contact a Rockville alimony lawyer from our firm today for assistance with alimony issues.

alimony lawyer Rockville, MD

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Why Choose Fait & Dilima, LLp?

  • Decades of Experience – Established in 1979, the firm has over 30 years of experience helping the people of Maryland with family law issues.
  • Dedicated Team – Our team focuses on your best interest by giving a personalized approach to your situation. Together, we will work towards your goal.
  • Understanding and Empathic – Having handled many family law and divorce cases, our lawyers are empathic and understand your situation well. We know what you are going through and will guide you through the legal process.

Protect Your Family

Do not take risks when it comes to domestic violence and abuse. If this happens to you once, there is a chance of a repeat occurrence. A protective order is there to prevent further escalation of violence and abuse.

Protect yourself and your family by getting a protective order from someone you fear. If you need help, contact our Rockville protective order lawyer.

Protective Order Lawyer In Maryland

Fait & DiLima, LLP, has lawyers experienced in processing protective orders in Maryland. We know that this is an emotional and difficult time in your life. We are here to cover the technical aspects of the case.

What we will do is talk to you and find the facts. Those are used to create a case against your alleged abuser in getting a final protective order. We can also assist you in renewing the order every year.

If you need a protective order from someone committing violence against you, do not hesitate to contact our Rockville protective order lawyer. We are here to assist you.

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Fait & DiLima, LLP | Rockville, MD 20850 | Divorce and Family Lawyers in Maryland

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When divorce and other family law issues must be resolved, there are no substitutes for an attorney’s experience and dedication to client satisfaction. The Frederick and Rockville divorce lawyers of Fait & DiLima, LLP have more than 100 years of combined experience and an unmatched commitment to help individuals and families navigate challenging times.

Contact the Rockville and Frederick family law attorneys of Fait & DiLima, LLP today to schedule a consultation and discuss your legal needs. Fill out the contact form or give us a call. We have offices in Rockville and Frederick; both are conveniently located near the courthouses.

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