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Divorce Lawyer Frederick, MD

Let Our Frederick, MD Divorce Lawyer Help Ease The Stress Of Your Split

The emotions of anger, fear, loss, and frustration (and often, happiness, as well) that come with a divorce make it more difficult to concentrate on the practical issues of ending a marriage. Our Frederick, MD divorce lawyer helps you understand your rights in a divorce (you’d be surprised at just how many rights and opportunities you may have) and protects your interests so that you have the best chance for a positive future post-split. We can assist you in mediation, represent your interests in court, defend your rights, and even be the primary point of communication with your spouse if you would prefer not to talk to them.

At Fait & DiLima, LLP, we take your concerns and fears seriously. We combine practical, solid legal advice with compassion and understanding and answer all your questions honestly, with an eye to your interests. We fight for the most advantageous divorce settlement for you, including matters of spousal support, your preferred child custody arrangement, and how to best divide marital property. Please call us today to discuss your divorce.

How Our Divorce Lawyers Help You

If the divorcing spouses can’t agree on the right division of property and assignment of debts, child custody, and alimony, then a Maryland family law judge steps in, ruling on each issue according to Maryland divorce laws and, in the cases of child custody, what’s in the best interests of the children. If these issues go before a judge in hearings or at trial, our attorneys build a strong case for your position based on evidence and fine points of law. We present the claim to the judge, counter the opposition, and present evidence to reinforce our demands.

Out of court, we can represent you in mediation and alternative forms of dispute resolution in which the couple negotiates their divorce settlement under the guidance of a professional mediator. We keep you focused on your goals for the divorce so that you have the means to move forward without a struggle. There may be solutions to your problems you haven’t considered or didn’t know were available. Our vast knowledge of Maryland family laws and our long experience working with divorcing couples has given us a deep understanding of how to help you get what you want.

We’re Your Legal Ally In Your Divorce

One of the most important ways that our lawyers can help is by making sure that you know you’re not alone. We are firmly on your side when it feels like no one supports you, and we’re fighters. We can fight for your rights and best interests even when you don’t have the energy to. Our firm often uses the services of forensic accountants to ensure that you receive your full share of marital assets and that you aren’t responsible for debts that aren’t yours.

At Fait & DiLima, LLP, your interests are our interests. We fight for you, not your spouse, and we’re ready to start right away. Contact us today to speak with our Frederick divorce lawyer.

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