Modifying Alimony After a Divorce

If you were awarded alimony or you are paying alimony after your divorce, this court order may not always be appropriate for your situation. Thankfully, you can modify alimony to have it reduced, increased, or terminated, depending on the circumstances.

One way to accomplish this is by discussing it with your former spouse. If you can agree on a new amount, it will save you some time, but you will still need to go through the proper legal channels to have it approved by the court. If you cannot reach an agreement, however, you can still petition the court with your request.

Petitioning the Court for a Modification

Whether you need to reduce or increase alimony, you will need to prove to the court that there was a significant change in your financial circumstances, your ex’s financial circumstances, or both.

Here are some examples of changes in circumstances:

  • Involuntary unemployment or income reduction
  • The development of a disability or illness that makes it impossible to work
  • The supported party is living with a new partner or got remarried
  • The supported party received a significant wage increase

Typically, when a receiving party gets remarried, alimony automatically terminates. If you are attempting to reduce your alimony order by voluntarily leaving your job, a judge will not grant your request and you will still be on the hook for making regular payments to your former spouse.

An experienced family law attorney can help you achieve the results you need, whether that be increased alimony payments or a reduction, so do not hesitate to seek legal counsel today.

Discuss Your Alimony Modification Case with One of Our Experienced Attorneys Today!

If you need to make a modification to your alimony payments, the family law team at Fait & DiLima, LLP can provide the knowledgeable guidance and advice you need to navigate each step of the process. Backed by more than five decades of combined legal experience, you can feel confident in our ability to represent you and achieve the best possible results for your case.

Reach out to our legal team today at (301) 251-0100 to set up an initial case review with one of our skilled family law attorneys to get started on your alimony modification case.



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