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Seasonal trends are everywhere— the mark of autumn includes pumpkin spice lattes and spring is the perfect time to clear the clutter and get your house in order. Did you know there are trends for divorce too? August is the end of summer, but it’s also the end of many marriages.
A study conducted out of the University of Washington found that divorce rates consistently peaked in March and August, following winter and summer holidays.
Source: Is divorce seasonal? UW research shows biannual spike in divorce filings
Our family lawyers at Fait & DiLima, LLP are taking a deep dive into this trend and explaining the reasoning behind the peak divorce rates in August.
A Hail Mary Vacation
By the time June comes around, tons of families are looking to escape for a much-needed summer getaway. Plus, the kids are out of school, so it’s the perfect timing. A vacation from normal life might even be necessary for couples who’ve hit a rough patch and are looking forward to making amends and bringing together the family. And for others, it’s a last-ditch effort to save the relationship.
There’s a hope to start fresh and leave behind past problems; unfortunately, things don’t always pan out that way. In actuality, the stress of a vacation can exacerbate the issues in a failing marriage, leaving spouses towards the path of divorce.
Empty Nest Syndrome
Sending your kids off to college is bittersweet, and it prompts a lot of couples to reevaluate their marriage. Many families avoid divorce for the sake of their children, but when they’re all grown up, they lose the primary reason to stay together.
The Perfect Adjustment Period
Divorces aren’t easy, especially when there are kids involved. Parents typically want to avoid conflict during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is why the jump to get it done before then. Some families find that August is the best month to get divorced because it gives children just enough time to adjust before the holiday season.
If you’ve realized that your marriage can no longer be saved, our team at Fait & DiLima, LLP can help guide you through your divorce with compassion and care.
Call us today at (301) 251-0100 to find out how we can assist you with your family matters.