Child Support Lawyer Rockville, MD

Fait & DiLima, LLP helps clients place protective orders to prevent domestic violence and abuse.

Few things in a divorce are as hotly contested as child support and custody. Whether you’re the paying parent or the recipient, the advice of a Rockville, MD, child support lawyer is invaluable. Child support is intended to provide for the needs of a minor child. Maryland family law statutes govern the amount and frequency, and a family law judge applies these statutes in your child’s interest.

If you need to petition the court for a child support order, modify an existing one, or get child support money from your child’s other parent, we can help. The legal team at Fait & DiLima, LLP, has decades of combined experience fighting for families just like yours and the tenacity to fight for you and your child, no matter how complex the issues are. Contact us today for a personalized consultation.

Why Do I Need A Rockville Child Support Lawyer?

A Maryland family law judge orders child support according to state laws governing these matters. The amount varies depending on how many children the couple shares and is a percentage of the paying parent’s income. However, it’s important to ensure that your and yoru child’s interests are represented through the process. A child support attorney can help ensure that you, as the custodial parent, receive the child support you need to pay for your child’s needs. Your lawyer can also represent you if you’re having difficulty getting child support from the other parent.

If you are the parent paying child support, an attorney can help you, too. If your financial situation has significantly changed since the initial order was issued, your lawyer can file a petition with a judge to alter the arrangement. Life happens; people may lose a job, get transferred, or otherwise see a change in financial circumstances. Our goal is to ensure that your rights are protected and your child is taken care of.

Establishing Child Support In Maryland

The goal of child support is to cover the needs of a minor child: physical needs like food, clothing, and shelter, school supplies and fees, or extracurricular activities. It’s the responsibility of the receiving parent to use these funds for their child.

If you suspect that the receiving parent isn’t using child support for your child but rather misappropriating the funds (such as buying drugs or alcohol or spending it on themselves), then a lawyer can help you. We can advise you of the legal steps we can take to make sure this money goes to your child.

Negotiating a child support arrangement can be much easier with the help and advice of a skilled Rockville child support lawyer. At Fait & DiLima, LLP, we review your financial situation and your child’s needs, then represent your interests in court or mediation. Call us today—we’re on your side and ready to help you fight for your family.

Addressing Child Support Needs With Legal Guidance

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring that children receive the financial support they need after their parents separate or divorce. Working with a Rockville child support lawyer can help parents navigate the legal process to establish, modify, or enforce child support agreements. The goal is to provide children with the resources they need for a stable upbringing, including food, shelter, education, and healthcare.

Child support payments are typically determined based on a variety of factors, including the income of both parents, the needs of the child, and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. Ensuring that these payments are fair and in line with the child’s best interests is essential, and this is where a child support lawyer comes into play.

Establishing Fair Child Support Agreements

One of the primary responsibilities of a child support lawyer is to help establish child support agreements that reflect the true financial circumstances of both parents. This involves presenting accurate financial information to the court and ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. For example, a lawyer can assist in gathering evidence of income, such as pay stubs, tax returns, and other financial documents, to ensure that the child support payments are calculated correctly.

In some cases, parents may agree on the terms of child support without much dispute. However, when disagreements arise, having legal representation can make a significant difference. A lawyer can advocate for your interests, whether you are the parent paying support or the one receiving it, to ensure that the agreement is fair and sustainable.

Modifying Child Support Agreements

Life circumstances can change, and when they do, it may be necessary to modify an existing child support agreement. Whether due to a change in income, a shift in custody arrangements, or other significant life events, a modification may be required to reflect the new situation accurately. A Rockville, MD child support lawyer can assist in filing for a modification and presenting the necessary evidence to the court.

It’s important to understand that modifying a child support agreement is not as simple as informally agreeing with the other parent. The modification must be approved by the court to be legally binding. A lawyer can guide you through this process, helping to ensure that the modification is fair and in the best interest of the child.

Enforcing Child Support Orders

Unfortunately, there are situations where one parent fails to comply with a child support order, which can place a significant financial burden on the other parent and the child. If you are struggling to receive the child support payments you are owed, a lawyer in Rockville, MD, can help you take legal action to enforce the order. This might involve garnishing wages, seizing assets, or other legal measures to ensure that the support is paid as required by the court.

Enforcing a child support order can be a complex and stressful process, but having an experienced lawyer on your side can make a significant difference. They can handle the legal aspects of enforcement, allowing you to focus on caring for your child.

Moving Forward With Confidence

Ensuring that your child receives the financial support they need is a priority for any parent. If you need assistance with establishing, modifying, or enforcing a child support agreement, it’s important to seek legal advice. Fait & DiLima, LLP is here to help. Contact us today to speak with a Rockville child support lawyer who can guide you through the process and ensure that your child’s needs are met. We are committed to helping you achieve a fair and effective resolution that benefits both you and your child.

child support lawyer Rockville, MD

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Why Choose Fait & Dilima, LLp?

  • Decades of Experience – Established in 1979, the firm has over 30 years of experience helping the people of Maryland with family law issues.
  • Dedicated Team – Our team focuses on your best interest by giving a personalized approach to your situation. Together, we will work towards your goal.
  • Understanding and Empathic – Having handled many family law and divorce cases, our lawyers are empathic and understand your situation well. We know what you are going through and will guide you through the legal process.

Protect Your Family

Do not take risks when it comes to domestic violence and abuse. If this happens to you once, there is a chance of a repeat occurrence. A protective order is there to prevent further escalation of violence and abuse.

Protect yourself and your family by getting a protective order from someone you fear. If you need help, contact our Rockville protective order lawyer.

Protective Order Lawyer In Maryland

Fait & DiLima, LLP, has lawyers experienced in processing protective orders in Maryland. We know that this is an emotional and difficult time in your life. We are here to cover the technical aspects of the case.

What we will do is talk to you and find the facts. Those are used to create a case against your alleged abuser in getting a final protective order. We can also assist you in renewing the order every year.

If you need a protective order from someone committing violence against you, do not hesitate to contact our Rockville protective order lawyer. We are here to assist you.

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Fait & DiLima, LLP | Rockville, MD 20850 | Divorce and Family Lawyers in Maryland

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When divorce and other family law issues must be resolved, there are no substitutes for an attorney’s experience and dedication to client satisfaction. The Frederick and Rockville divorce lawyers of Fait & DiLima, LLP have more than 100 years of combined experience and an unmatched commitment to help individuals and families navigate challenging times.

Contact the Rockville and Frederick family law attorneys of Fait & DiLima, LLP today to schedule a consultation and discuss your legal needs. Fill out the contact form or give us a call. We have offices in Rockville and Frederick; both are conveniently located near the courthouses.

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