Breaking Free From a Toxic Marriage

If you’ve ever heard the adage, “love makes you blind,” you may find yourself saying the same thing and second-guessing your marriage. Sometimes you may see subtle signs that things aren’t so great in the relationship. Other times, you can even acknowledge that the signs are too big to ignore.

We have a few solutions to help you recognize when your marriage is going south, and you are in a toxic relationship. Here’s what you can do to exit a possibly dangerous situation safely.

Recognizing the Signs

Communicating with your spouse using speaking exercises is always helpful when you don’t feel they’re listening to what you have to say. But what happens when nothing is getting through to them?

If regular conversations often lead to arguments, and you can’t get them to hear you out and understand your perspective, this is a good indicator that your relationship isn’t healthy. Resorting to not speaking to each other to calm things down isn’t a healthy form of communication.

Unfortunately, sometimes arguments can lead to physical or emotional abuse. If you don’t feel safe in your home or anywhere else with them, know that you are not alone. Acknowledge what is happening, and seek help from family, friends, and professionals who are trained to protect you from further harm.

Empowering Yourself

Don’t feel powerless in your situation. Having feelings of self-doubt is normal, and both men and women can experience a change in how they feel about themselves because they are dealing with some form of abuse.

You can take control of the situation and safely exit a toxic marriage by contacting a domestic violence attorney for a protective order and representation. Domestic abuse can take on different forms, and speaking with an attorney with experience in this area can help you start on your way to feeling like yourself again.

Our attorneys at Fait & DiLima, LLP understand that not every domestic violence case will look the same. We have extensive experience in working with victims of abuse, can advocate on your behalf, and will commit to making sure your rights are protected.

Contact our firm today (301) 251-0100 to schedule a consultation with one of our trusted family law attorneys now.



Breaking Free From a Toxic Marriage | Rockville Alimony Attorneys
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