What Happens to Undisclosed Assets in a Divorce?

Claiming Assets in a Divorce

What happens if your ex hid an asset that you couldn’t claim in your divorce? When you’re going through a divorce, you may not be fully aware of assets your spouse hid during your marriage that you didn’t get a chance to claim. However, you can find undisclosed hidden assets with the help of a qualified divorce attorney with experience in finding concealed assets.

Maryland divides property by equitable distribution, which means the property is divided by what a judge may decide is fair to both parties. There are two forms of property that can be considered during a divorce, which are marital and non-marital property.

Marital Property

Marital property is a term used for property and assets you and your spouse acquired together during the marriage. This is a property that is divided by equitable distribution and you and your ex can agree on what can be included as marital property during your divorce.

Non-Marital Property

Non-marital property is a property you owned before your marriage or was given to you as a gift or inheritance. This type of property would belong to you and only you during a divorce.

There are some instances where your spouse may be hiding assets that you didn’t get a chance to claim during your divorce.

Undisclosed Hidden Assets

If you believe your spouse hid assets during your marriage that you feel you’re entitled to, you may be able to find them with a little investigating. Concealed assets can include:

  • Tax returns with valuable information like supplementary income.
  • Bank statements that can reveal expensive purchases like jewelry.
  • Loan applications for a mortgage or car.
  • Transferring ownership to a custodial account in someone else’s name.
  • Transferring stocks and bonds to family members to repay after a divorce.

During a divorce, your attorney can help you write an agreement that says if undisclosed assets are found later, you may receive a majority of them.

Rockville, MD Divorce Attorneys at

Hiding assets is a serious matter that can come with consequences. Our attorneys at Fait & DiLima, LLP work with couples daily to ensure that all of their assets are listed in a divorce in order to avoid legal repercussions.

Our team is skilled and prepared with the resources necessary to help you uncover hidden and undisclosed assets. Call us today at (301) 251-0100 to schedule a consultation if you feel your spouse is hiding assets.



What Happens to Undisclosed Assets in a Divorce? Rockville, MD
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