Child Custody Lawyer Rockville, MD

Fait & DiLima, LLP helps clients place protective orders to prevent domestic violence and abuse.

Child custody disputes can quickly get complicated. Let an experienced Rockville, MD, child custody lawyer help you develop a plan that is in the best interests of your child or children and fits your post-separation lifestyle. We understand that you wish to shield your child from disagreements with their other parent and protect them during the separation and divorce process. However, if the parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement, then a Maryland family law judge gets involved.

We’re on your side, helping you protect your child and secure the best custody schedule for you. Whether you need to establish custody or alter an existing arrangement, the team at Fait & DiLima, LLP, is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can protect your interests.

What Does A Good Rockville Child Custody Lawyer Do?

It’s hard to view your ex as a good parent when you’re going through a divorce or contentious child custody battle. We know many parents lose focus when working out a custody agreement; it’s our job to keep a cool head and advise you of your options. Our attorneys may be able to help you find an arrangement you haven’t considered and can review your ideas to ensure they’re compatible with Maryland custody laws.

You may be ordered to mediation to settle your divorce or child custody dispute. Mediation is guided negotiations without the strict rules of a courtroom. We’ll be by your side in these negotiations and can represent your and your child’s interests with the other parent. And, we help you stay calm and focused on what’s best for your child.

Custody And Visitation In Maryland

Some child custody cases get contentious because one parent has very good reason to doubt the ability or fitness of the other parent. If you believe your child will be unsafe or neglected if the other parent has custody, or even if you believe that supervised visitation is necessary, we’re here to investigate and help you build your case.

Child custody schedules aren’t permanent. Life changes, children grow older, and what worked a few years ago may not be feasible now. If one parent moves away or has a job transfer that makes your agreement untenable, or if a child gets older (at least 16) and decides they want to live with one parent full-time, we can help you petition the court for a formal custody change.

Do You Need Help With A Child Custody Dispute?

If you’re going through a divorce or otherwise trying to determine child custody arrangements, it’s smart to have a legal advocate advising you. We can explain what a judge looks for when making a decision in your child’s best interest and how to construct a strong case supporting your position. Fait & DiLima, LLP attorneys are fierce negotiators who know Maryland family law well. We’re ready to fight for your family – contact us today for a consultation with a Rockville child custody lawyer consultation.

Working Toward The Best Interests Of Your Child

When parents separate or divorce, one of the most emotionally charged issues is determining child custody. The outcome of these decisions will significantly impact your child’s well-being and future, making it crucial to approach the process with careful consideration and legal support. A Rockville child custody lawyer can help you navigate the legal landscape and advocate for an arrangement that serves the best interests of your child.

Child custody cases often involve two key components: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about your child’s life, such as those related to education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical custody, on the other hand, determines where the child will live and which parent will be responsible for day-to-day care. In some cases, parents may share both legal and physical custody, while in others, one parent may be granted sole custody.

Understanding Different Custody Arrangements

There are various custody arrangements that may be considered, depending on the unique circumstances of each family. Joint custody is a common arrangement in which both parents share legal and/or physical custody of the child. This type of arrangement can be beneficial when both parents are actively involved in their child’s life and are able to cooperate in making decisions.

In contrast, sole custody may be awarded when it is deemed that one parent is better suited to care for the child on a full-time basis. This might occur in situations where one parent has a history of abuse, substance misuse, or other behaviors that could negatively impact the child’s welfare. Even in cases of sole custody, the non-custodial parent may still be granted visitation rights to maintain a relationship with the child.

The Importance Of A Child Custody Lawyer

When facing a child custody dispute, it’s essential to have legal representation that understands the intricacies of Maryland’s custody laws. A Rockville, MD child custody lawyer can provide the guidance you need to navigate this challenging process. Your lawyer will work with you to gather the necessary evidence, present a compelling case in court, and advocate for a custody arrangement that aligns with your child’s best interests.

In addition to representing you in court, a Rockville child custody lawyer can help negotiate a custody agreement outside of the courtroom. Many custody cases are resolved through mediation, where both parents work together to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. This can often be a less contentious and more cost-effective way to resolve custody issues, and having a lawyer by your side can help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Moving Forward With Confidence

The outcome of a child custody case can have long-lasting effects on your child’s life and your relationship with them. That’s why it’s so important to approach this process with the right legal support. Fait & DiLima, LLP is committed to helping parents in the city of Rockville, MD, achieve custody arrangements that are in the best interests of their children. Whether you’re facing a custody dispute or need to modify an existing agreement, our experienced lawyers are here to help.

child custody lawyer Rockville, MD

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Why Choose Fait & Dilima, LLp?

  • Decades of Experience – Established in 1979, the firm has over 30 years of experience helping the people of Maryland with family law issues.
  • Dedicated Team – Our team focuses on your best interest by giving a personalized approach to your situation. Together, we will work towards your goal.
  • Understanding and Empathic – Having handled many family law and divorce cases, our lawyers are empathic and understand your situation well. We know what you are going through and will guide you through the legal process.

Protect Your Family

Do not take risks when it comes to domestic violence and abuse. If this happens to you once, there is a chance of a repeat occurrence. A protective order is there to prevent further escalation of violence and abuse.

Protect yourself and your family by getting a protective order from someone you fear. If you need help, contact our Rockville protective order lawyer.

Protective Order Lawyer In Maryland

Fait & DiLima, LLP, has lawyers experienced in processing protective orders in Maryland. We know that this is an emotional and difficult time in your life. We are here to cover the technical aspects of the case.

What we will do is talk to you and find the facts. Those are used to create a case against your alleged abuser in getting a final protective order. We can also assist you in renewing the order every year.

If you need a protective order from someone committing violence against you, do not hesitate to contact our Rockville protective order lawyer. We are here to assist you.

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Fait & DiLima, LLP | Rockville, MD 20850 | Divorce and Family Lawyers in Maryland

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When divorce and other family law issues must be resolved, there are no substitutes for an attorney’s experience and dedication to client satisfaction. The Frederick and Rockville divorce lawyers of Fait & DiLima, LLP have more than 100 years of combined experience and an unmatched commitment to help individuals and families navigate challenging times.

Contact the Rockville and Frederick family law attorneys of Fait & DiLima, LLP today to schedule a consultation and discuss your legal needs. Fill out the contact form or give us a call. We have offices in Rockville and Frederick; both are conveniently located near the courthouses.

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